Biztalk 2004 Integration Experiences

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Creating Biztalk 2004 Service Restart Batch File

I wrote some useful tools and utilities recently.

One of them was a batch file which can restart the default Biztalk Server NT Service. This provides a great value when deploying assemblies to my local box and also to avoid various cache issues.

The Batch file looks like this (It's just usual net stop and start commands)

net stop BTSSvc{088886359-D424-4853-BCCB-B2F887F1F86D}
net start BTSSvc{088886359-D424-4853-BCCB-B2F887F1F86D}

The Interesting thing is if you just copy the above two lines and put it in a batch file, it won't work. Hmm why?

Do you notice the GUID in the above batch file. This is different for each machine and each host (yes, 1 physical NT service is being created for every In-Process Host). You can get this GUID from the Services mmc snap-in (The Service name starts with "BizTalk Service BizTalk Group :")


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